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Supersymmetric Hidden Sectors for 
Heterotic Standard Models 

VoLKER Braun^, Yang-Hui He^, and Burt A. Ovrut^ 

^Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 
10 Burlington Road 
Dublin 4, Ireland 

^Department of Mathematics, City University 
London, EClV OHB, U.K. 

School of Physics, NanKai University 
Tianjin, 300071, P.R. China 
Merton College, University of Oxford, 0X1 4JD, U.K. 

^Department of Physics 

University of Pennsylvania 
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6396 


Within the context of the weakly coupled Eg x Es heterotic string, we 
study the hidden sector of heterotic standard model compactifications to four- 
dimensions. Specifically, we present a class of hidden sector vector bundles — 
composed of the direct sum of line bundles only — that, together with an ef- 
fective bulk five-brane, renders the heterotic standard model entirely N = 1 
supersymmetric. Two explicit hidden sectors are constructed and analyzed in 
this context; one with the gauge group E^ x U{1) arising from a single line 
bundle and a second with an SO (12) x ^(1) x gauge group constructed 
from the direct sum of two line bundles. Each hidden sector bundle is shown 
to satisfy all requisite physical constraints within a finite region of the Kahler 
cone. We also clarify that the first Chern class of the line bundles need not be 
even in our context, as has often been imposed in the model building literature. 

Email: vbraunOstp . dias . ie, yang-hui . heOmerton . ox . ac . uk, ovrutQelcapitan . hep . upenn . edu 


1 Introduction [T] 

2 The Compactification Vacuum [3] 

2.1 The Calabi-Yau Threefold |3] 

2.2 The Observable Sector Gauge Bundle 

2.3 The Hidden Sector Gauge Bundle IH] 

2.4 Wrapped Five-Branes El 

3 The Vacuum Constraint Conditions [8] 

3.1 Anomaly Cancellation |8] 

3.2 Slope-Stability of the Observable Sector Bundle |9] 

3.3 = 1 Supersymmetric Hidden Sector Bundle [10] 

3.4 Gauge Threshold Corrections [12] 

4 Specific Examples 1131 

4.1 Constraints for a Single Line Bundle [I3] 

4.2 An X U{1) Hidden Sector [15] 

4.3 Hidden Sector Matter Spectrum [16] 

4.4 Constraints for Two Line Bundles [20] 

4.5 An 50(12) x U(l) x U{1) Hidden Sector [SD 

Appendix A Line Bundles and Eg [23] 

A.l Induced Bundles [H 

A. 2 Consistency Conditions [25] 

A. 3 Chern Classes and the Anomaly [25] 

A.4 Example [26] 

Bibliography [27] 

1 Introduction 

The ten-dimensional theory of the massless modes of weakly coupled x E^ heterotic 
theory can arise in two ways. The first is directly from the E'g x i^g heterotic superstring 
after decoupling the heavy string modes [l||2]. The second follows from compactifying 
eleven-dimensional M-theory on an /'L2 orbifold in the limit of small radius [3]-[9]. 
Either way, the ten-dimensional effective action is a A^ = 1 supersymmetric theory 
with a metric, dilaton, two-form and E^ x E^ gauge fields as the bosonic components. 
In addition, it can contain topological five-branes. This can be reduced to an A^ = 
1 supersymmetric theory in four dimensions by appropriately compactifying on a 


smooth Calabi-Yau threefold supporting gauge fields satisfying the hermitian Yang- 
Mills equations 10,11 with the five-branes wrapped on holomorphic curves 



choice of the Calabi-Yau manifold and the gauge field background, that is, a slope- 
stable holomorphic vector bundle with vanishing slope, determines the low energy 

gauge group, spectrum, and coupling parameters 13[jl7 
In U 

I , it was shown that the low energy spectrum of a specific Calabi-Yau three- 
fold and holomorphic vector bundle with structure group SU{4:) C Es is exactly that 
of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) with three right-handed neu- 
trinos and one pair of Higgs-Higgs conjugate chiral multiplets. There are no exotic 
or vector-like pairs of superfields. It was demonstrated in that over a specific 
subspace of the Kahler cone, this vector bundle is slope-stable with vanishing slope 
and, hence, the low energy theory is = 1 supersymmetric. For these reasons, this 
vacuum of the observable Eg sector of the theory was called the heterotic standard 
model. To complete the vacuum, it is essential to present the explicit vector bundle for 
the second Eg hidden sector. In previous work 20-22 , it was expedient to choose this 

bundle to be trivial, requiring a five-brane sector with non-effective cohomology class 
to satisfy the anomaly constraint. This anti-brane allows one to raise the potential 
energy of the vacuum from negative to a small, positive cosmological constant [23] , 

that is, the heterotic equivalent of the KKLT mechanism [24]. It was shown in 19 
that, for vanishing five-brane class, a hidden sector SU{n) bundle satisfying the Bo- 
gomolov bound [25j could exist in a subspace intersecting the region of stability of 
the observable sector vector bundle. The Bogomolov bound is a necessary condition 
for the hidden bundle to be = 1 supersymmetric. At least on certain manifolds, 
satisfying this bound is also sufficient 26 28 . However, an explicit example was never 

In a series of papers, both in weakly coupled 29 33 and strongly coupled [7|[8 ,34 
Eg X Eg heterotic theory, the first non-trivial corrections — string one-loop and M- 
theory order k^^^ respectively — beyond tree level were constructed. These were pre- 
sented for both the Fayet-Iliopoulos (FI) terms associated with anomalous U{1) gauge 
factors and for the gauge threshold corrections. Furthermore, it was emphasized 
in [29 -33 that gauge bundles with U{n) structure groups, in addition to SU{n) bun- 
dles, should be more closely scrutinized. Similarly, the appearance of line bundles on 
the stability wall boundaries of SU (n) bundles was recognized in 34 , 35 , and applied 
more widely to construct new realistic models in 36 38 . In this paper, within the 

context of the weakly coupled Es x Eg heterotic string, we will apply these ideas to 
construct a completely A^ = 1 supersymmetric hidden sector for the heterotic stan- 
dard model. This hidden sector will have a non-trivial, but effective, five-brane class 
and a hidden sector vector bundle composed of a direct sum of line bundles. Together 
with the observable sector SU{4) vector bundle, this provides an explicit A^ = 1 
compactification vacuum for the heterotic standard model. 

Specifically, we will do the following. In Section 2 we review the Calabi-Yau three- 


fold and observable sector gauge bundle of the heterotic standard model introduced 
The generic form of the hidden sector bundle as a sum of line bundles is 



presented, as is an analysis of the explicit embedding of a line bundle into an Eg vector 
bundle. Five-branes are also briefly discussed. [Section 3] consists of an analysis of the 
four constraint conditions required for our compactification vacuum; namely, anomaly 
cancellation, slope-stability of the observable sector bundle, = 1 supersymmetry of 
the hidden sector bundle and positivity of the threshold corrected gauge parameters. 
The explicit constraint equations for each of these conditions are given. Two specific 
examples are then presented in Section 4 The first is obtained using a single line bun- 
dle as the hidden sector bundle. Its exact embedding into the hidden Eg is discussed, 
and it is shown to satisfy all required constraint conditions in a region of the Kahler 
cone. The associated low energy gauge group and spectrum of the hidden sector is 
presented. As a second example, we choose the hidden sector bundle to be a sum of 
two line bundles. Again, we elucidate its exact embedding into the hidden Es, show 
that it satisfies all necessary constraints in a region of the Kahler cone and discuss 
the associated low energy gauge group. Finally, important technical issues regarding 

the embedding of line bundles into an Eg vector bundle are discussed in [Appendix A 

The analysis in this paper has a direct, but non-trivial, extension to strongly cou- 

This will be presented in a future publication. 

pled heterotic M-theory 3 4 8 9 39 44 

2 The Compactification Vacuum 

A four-dimensional, A^ = 1 super symmetric effective theory of the weakly coupled 
Eg X Es heterotic string is obtained as follows. First, one compactifies ten-dimensional 
spacetime on an appropriate Calabi-Yau threefold, X. Second, it is necessary to con- 
struct two Eg gauge bundles over the Calabi-Yau manifold. Two popular methods are 
to utilize a slope-stable holomorphic vector bundle with vanishing first Chern class 
or a line bundle. The latter is automatically slope-stable, but imposes the additional 
physical constraint that the Fl-term must vanish. The associated gauge symme- 
tries, spectrum and coupling parameters of the four- dimensional theory depend on 
the specific choice of the compactification. In this paper, we will examine a physi- 
cally relevant subset of such vacua; namely, those with the Calabi-Yau threefold and 

observable sector vector bundle of the heterotic standard model 18 , 19 . 

2.1 The Calabi-Yau Threefold 

The Calabi-Yau manifold X is chosen to be a torus-fibered threefold with fundamental 
group 7Ti{X) = Z3 X Z3. Specifically, it is a fiber product of two rational elliptic dFg 

surfaces, that is, a self-mirror Schoen threefold 43 ,45 
a freely acting Z3 x Z3 isometry. Its Hodge data is h 
are three Kahler and three complex structure moduli. The complex structure moduli 

49 quotiented with respect to 
= /i^'^ = 3 and, hence, there 


will play no role in the present paper and we will ignore them. Relevant here is the 
degree-two Dolbeault cohomology group 

i/^'^(X,C) = spanc{wi, W2, ^3}, (1) 

where Ui = u^^idz'^dz^ are dimensionless harmonic (1, l)-forms on X with the property 

cus A cjs = 0, Wi A 

Defining the intersection numbers as 


3u;i A Wi, UJ2 /\oj'i = 3a;2 A uj2- 



LOi A tUj A ojk, i, j, k = 1,2,3 


where w is a reference volume of dimension (length)^, it follows from ^ that 

/(0,|,0) (0,1,0)\ 

(1,0,0) (1,0,0) . 
\(0,1,0) (1,0,0) (0,0,0)/ 




The {ij'}-th entry in the matrix corresponds to the triplet {d^ijjk\k = 1, 2, 3). 

Our analysis will require the Chern classes of the tangent bundle TX. Noting that 
the associated structure group is SU{3) C SO (6), it follows that rank(TX) = 3 and 
ci(TX) = 0. Furthermore, the self-mirror property of this specific threefold implies 
C3(TX) = 0. Finally, we find that 



- (I2wi A Wi + 12^2 A ^2) . 


We will use the fact that if one chooses the generators of SU (3) to be hermitian, then 
the second Chern class of the tangent bundle can be written as 





where R is the Lie algebra valued curvature two-form. 

Note that H^'° = H^'"^ = on a Calabi-Yau threefold. It follows that H^'^{X, C) = 
H'^{X, M) and, hence, Ui, i = 1,2,3 span the real vector space H'^{X, M). Furthermore, 
it was shown in 50 that the curve Poincare dual to each two-form Ui is effective. 
Therefore, the Kahler cone is the positive octant 

/C = Hl{X, R) C H'^iX, R). (7) 

The Kahler form, defined to be = igaS where gai is the Calabi-Yau metric, can be 
any element of /C. That is, the Kahler form can be expanded as 

a uji 

d > 0, 




The real, positive coefficients a* are the three (1, 1) Kahler moduh of the Calabi-Yau 
threefold. Here, and through this paper, upper and lower H^'^ indices are summed 
unless otherwise stated. The dimensionless volume modulus is defined by 

V = - [ V^g (9) 

and, hence, the dimensionful Calabi-Yau volume is vV. Using the definition of the 
Kahler form and ([s]), V can be written as 

If 1 • • 

V = — / cu Acu Aco = -dijka'a^a''. (10) 

6v Jx 6 

It is useful to express the three (1,1) moduli in terms of V and two additional inde- 
pendent moduli. This can be accomplished by defining the scaled shape moduli 

b' = V-^/^a\ i = l,2,3. (11) 

It follows from ( 10 ) that they satisfy the constraint 

dijuVVh^ = 6 (12) 

and, hence, represent only two degrees of freedom. Finally, note that all moduli defined 
thus far, that is, a\ V and b\ are functions of the four coordinates x^, /x = 0, . . . ,3 
of Minkowski space M4. 

2.2 The Observable Sector Gauge Bundle 

The Es X Es vector bundle V over X is a direct sum of an observable sector bundle, 
V^^\ whose structure group is embedded in the ffist Eg factor, with a hidden sector 
bundle, V^'^\ with structure group in the second E^. V^^^ is chosen to be holomorphic 
with structure group S'f/(4) C Eg, thus breaking 

Es — > Spin{10). (13) 

Our analysis will require the Chern classes of V^^^^ Since the structure group is S'f/(4), 
it follows immediately that ran k(V(i)) = 4 and Ci(y(^)) = 0. The heterotic standard 
model is constructed to have the observed three chiral families of quarks/leptons and, 
hence, V^*-^^ must be chosen so that c^iV^^^) = 3. Finally, we find that 

C2{V^^^) = (wi A tJi + 4 ^2 A ^2 + 4 wi A ws) . (14) 

Here, and below, it will be useful to note the following. Let V be an arbitrary vector 
bundle with structure group G, and J-"^ the associated Lie algebra valued two-form 
gauge field strength. If the generators of G are chosen to be hermitian, then 

trc^^ A = ch2(V) = ^Ci(V) A Ci(V) - C2(V), (15) 


where ch2(V) is the second Chern character of V. Furthermore, we denote by tr^ the 
trace in the fundamental representation of the structure group G of the bundle. When 
applied to the vector bundle V^^^ in the observable sector, it follows from ciiV^^'^) = 

C2iV^'^) = -^,tTsui4) F^'^ A = tr^, F^'^ A F^'\ (16) 

where F^^^ is the gauge field strength for the visible sector bundle V^^^ and tr^;^ 
indicates the trace is over the fundamental 248 representation of Eg. Note that the 
conventional normalization of the trace tr^;^ includes a factor of t|j, the inverse of the 
dual Coxeter number of E^. We have expressed C2{V^^^) in terms of tr^;^ since the 
fundamental SU{4:) representation must be embedded into the adjoint representation 
of in the observable sector. 

To preserve = 1 supersymmmetry in four- dimensions, V^'-^-' must be both slope- 

stable and have vanishing slope 51 ,52 . In the context of this paper, these constraints 
are most easily examined in the (1 = 4 effective theory and, hence, will be discussed 
below. Finally, when two flat Wilson lines are turned on, each generating a different 
Z3 factor of the Z3 x Z3 holonomy of X, the observable gauge group is further broken 

Spin{10) SU{3)c X SU{2)l x f/(l)y x U{1)b-l. (17) 
2.3 The Hidden Sector Gauge Bundle 

In the hidden sector, the vector bundle V^'^^ introduced in this paper will be con- 
structed entirely as the sum of holomorphic line bundles. Let us briefly review the 
properties of such bundles on our specific geometry. Line bundles are classified by the 
divisors of X and, hence, equivalently by the elements of the integral cohomology 

H'^{X, Z) = {auJi + bL02 + cuj3 \ a,b,ceZ, a + b = mod 3}. (18) 

It is conventional to denote the line bundle associated with the element aui + buj2 + cu3 
of if2(x,Z) as 

Ox(a,6,c). (19) 

Note that the ui, U2, are the natural basis of invariant integral forms on the covering 
space. In order to correspond to integral forms on the quotient Calabi-Yau manifold 
X, an element aui + bu2 + cu3 has to satisfy the additional constraint a + b = mod 3 
in order to be integral. This can also be seen from the intersection numbers (|4]), which 
are naively fractional. Only the intersection of classes satisfying a + b = mod 3 is 
integral. For the purposes of constructing a heterotic gauge bundle from a line bundle 
Ox (a, b, c), this is the only constraint required on the integers a, b, c. In particular, as 
explained in Appendix A[ it is not necessary to impose that they be even for there to 

exist a spin structure on V^'^\ Although the auxiliary line bundle is not spin if a, b, 
c are not even, the Es bundle is always spin. 


We will choose the the hidden sector bundle to be 




mod 3, 




for some positive integer R. The structure group is U{1)^, where each U{1) factor 
has a specific embedding into the hidden sector Eg gauge group. It follows from the 
definition that rank(y*^^^) = R and that the first Chern class is 


ci(l^(2)) = J]ci(L,), ci(L,,) 



Note that since is a sum of holomorphic line bundles, C2{V^'^^) = c^iV^"^^) = 0. 
However, the relevant quantity for the hidden sector vacuum is related to the second 
Chern character given in (15). Defining F^"^^ to be the gauge field strength for the 
hidden sector bundle V^'^\ this becomes 

R Ft 

tr^(i). A = ch2(\/(2)) = J2 ^MLr) = ^ci(L,) A ci(L,) (23) 



since C2{Lr) = 0. As in the observable sector, the U{1)^ fundamental representation 
must be embedded into the adjoint representation of the hidden sector Eg. Hence, the 
physically relevant quantity is proportional to tr^g of F^'^^ AF^'^\ where we remind the 
reader that our normalization of the Eg trace includes the ^ as in (16). Specifically, 

the term of interest is 




with a group-theoretic factor 

tr^3 A = E ^ ^'^W ^r'^ ^ ^r'^ = E 



tr^;^ Q 



where Qr is the generator of the r-th U{1) factor embedded into the 248 representation 
of the hidden sector Eg. Note that we have used (23) in going from the second to the 
third term in (24). 

The definition of with the coefficient | is, of course, a convention. However, it 
is justified by the following computation which we leave as an exercise for the reader 
to verify. Using the embedding U{1) C SU{2) C Ej defined by eqns. (84) and (52) 
below, the normalized trace is given by tr^;^ 


■ 60 ■ 2. Therefore, the minimal 


U{1) embedding in Eg leads to a^i^ = 1, explaining the conventional normalization 
factor of I in (25). In fact, by comparing the usual formula for the Chern character of 
a line bundle (23) with the Eg characteristic class (24), one might have guessed that 
ttr is half-integral. However, this is not true and is always integral. This is also 
crucially important for the contribution to the heterotic anomaly, which must be an 
integral cohomology class, to be well-defined. In Appendix A, we will discuss this in 
more detail. 

2.4 Wrapped Five-Branes 

In addition to the holomorphic vector bundles in the observable and hidden sectors, 
the compactification can also contain five-branes wrapped on two-cycles n = 
1, . . . , M in X. Cohomologically, each such five-brane is described by the (2,2)-form 
Poincare dual to Cg"'', which we denote by W''"'\ Note that to preserve = 1 
supersymmetry in the four-dimensional theory, these curves must be holomorphic 
and, hence, each VT^") be an effective class. 

3 The Vacuum Constraint Conditions 

In order for the Calabi-Yau threefold X, the observable and hidden sector vector 
bundles V^^\ V^*-^^ and the five-branes W^""^ discussed above to form a consistent com- 
pactification, they must satisfy a set of physical constraints. These are the following. 

3.1 Anomaly Cancellation 

As discussed in [7[]9| [5l|[52] , anomaly cancellation requires that 

11 1 " 

- — tTRAR+ — tTE, A F(^) + — tr^, F^^) A F^^) - J] ly M = 0. (26) 


Using ([6]), (16) and (23), (24) the anomaly cancellation condition can be expressed as 


C2{TX) - C2(r(i)) + J2 aMLr) A Ci(L,) -W = 0, (27) 
where W = ^^^^W^^'K 


Condition (27) is expressed in terms of four-forms in H {X,M.). We find it easier 

to analyze its consequences by writing it in the dual homology space H2{X,M.). In 
this case, the coefficient of the i-th vector in the basis dual to (wi, ci;2, Ws) is given by 


wedging each term in (27) with Ui and integrating over X. Using (|5|,(14) and the 
intersection numbers (|3j),(|4j) gives 




C2(TX) -C2(K(i))) A a;i,2.3 = (|,i, -4). 


Similarly, (|3|),(|4|) and (|22|) imply 


Ci{Lr) A Ci{Lr) Auji = dijkiW;^ ^ = 1, 2, 3. 


,,1/3 / ^ 



it follows that the anomaly condition (27) can be expressed as 


Wi={l I -4), + J] ard^.kiii'; > 0, ^ = 1, 2, 3. 



The semi-positivity constraint on W follows from the requirement that it be an effec- 
tive class to preserve = 1 supersymmetry. 

3.2 Slope-Stability of the Observable Sector Bundle 

As mentioned previously, to preserve = 1 supersymmmetry in four- dimensions the 
holomorphic SU (4) vector bundle V^^'^ associated with the observable Eg gauge group 
must be both 

• slope-stable (to admit a solution to the Hermitian Yang-Mills equation), and 

• have vanishing slope (because there is no FI term for SU{n) bundles). 
Here, the slope of any bundle or sub-bundle J-" is defined as 



rank(J-')f ^/^ Jx 

Ci{J-') Alu A LO, 


where u = a^Ui is the Kahler form as in ([s]). The rank-4 bundle V^^^ h as vani shing 
slope since ci{V^^^) = 0. But, is it slope-stable? As shown in detail in 
can identify a set of 7 "maximally destabilizing" line sub-bundles 



, one 

Ox(l,-l,-l), Ox(-l,l,-l), Ox(-2,2,0), Ox(2,-2,-l), 
Ox(2,-5,l), Ox(l,-4,l), Ox(-4,l,l). 



It is a sufficient condition for stability to have all of their slopes be negative simulta- 
neously. This singles out the subspace of the Kahler cone defined by the following 7 

-3(a^ - a^)(a^ + + Qa^) - ISa^a^ < 
3(a^ - a^)(a^ + + 6a^) - ISa^a"^ < 
6{a^ - a^){a^ + a"^ + 6a^) < 
-6(a^ - a^)(a^ + + 6a^) - ISa^a^ < (34) 
-3(5a^ - 2a^){a^ + + 6a^) + 9a^a^ < 
-3(4a^ - a^){a^ + + Qa^) + 9a^a^ < 
3(a^ - 4a^)(a^ + + 6a^) + 9a^a^ < 0. 

These can be slightly simplified into the statement that a\i = 1,2,3 must satisfy at 
least one of the two sets of inequahties 

a <a^<\%a and a-^ < — — — —\ or 

2 ^q}' — 6(2^ 

(Vi" <2a' and 30^. _ j,,. < '''^ < ^r;^, ) 

The subspace satisfying (34) is a full-dimensional subcone of the Kahler cone /C 
defined in Q. It is a cone because the inequalities are homogeneous. In other words, 
only the angular part of the Kahler moduli are constrained but not the overall volume. 
Hence, it is best displayed as a two-dimensional "star map" as seen by an observer at 
the origin. This is shown in Figure 1 For Kahler moduli restricted to this subcone, the 
four- dimensional low energy theory in the observable sector is = 1 supersymmetric. 

3.3 AT = 1 Supersymmetric Hidden Sector Bundle 

In the heterotic standard model vacuum, the observable sector vector bundle y*^^^ has 
structure group SU{4). Hence, it does not lead to an anomalous U{1) gauge factor 
in the observable sector of the low energy theory. However, the hidden sector bundle 
V'^'^'^ introduced above consists entirely of a sum of line bundles and, therefore, has 
structure group U{1)^. Each U{1) factor leads to an anomalous U{1) gauge group in 
the four-dimensional effective field theory and, hence, an associated D-term. 

Let Lr be any one of the sub-line bundles of V'^'^\ Then, it was shown in 
the associated FI term is 

oc /i(L,) - ^ y" ci(L,)A 

/ R M \ 

^a,ci(L,) A Ci(L,) + -C2(TX) - ^(^ + X^fW^'^'^ \ , (36) 

\s=l m=l / 


Figure 1: Map projection of the unit sphere intersecting the Kdhler cone, that 
is, the positive octant in M) ~ M^. The visible sector bundle 

y^^^ is stable inside the red teardrop- shaped region /C*. Every point 
in the projection represents a ray in the Kdhler cone. For example, 
{a^,a'^,a^) = (0,1,0) generates the ray in the uj2 direction. 

where ^i{Lr) is given in (32) and 


L = 27rVa' 


are the string couphng and string length respectively. Furthermore, each A„ is a real 
modulus that, together with a self-dual two- form B„, forms a tensor multiplet on 
the six-dimensional worldvolume of the n-th five-brane. The normalization of these 
moduli is chosen so that 

^ [ 2' 2] ■ 


The first term on the right-hand side, that is, the slope of Lr defined in (32), is the 
tree level result. 

The remaining terms are the string one-loop string corrections first presented 
in [29[ [32} [53] . The general form of each D-term is as the sum of 1) the moduli 

dependent FI parameter (36) and 2) terms quadratic in the fields charged under the 
gauge symmetry weighted by their specific charge. In this paper, for simplicity, we 
will assume that all f/(l)^ charged zero-modes in the hidden sector have vanishing 


expectation values. Then the hidden sector will be = 1 supersymmetric if and only 
if the moduli-dependent FI parameter vanishes for each L^. That is, 

ci(L,.) A a; A w - 5fg/g / Cl{Lr)^ 

X J X 

/ R M \ 

5^a,ci(L,)Aci(L,) + -C2(TX)- J](i + Aj2iy("^) =o (39) 

\s=l m=l / 

for r = 1, . . . , i?. Using Q, Q, g, (g, (g, Q and noting from Q that 

j^^C2{TX)Au, = {2,2,0)i, (40) 

it follows that for each condition (39) can be written as 







d^,kil. J2 + ^r(2, 2, 0), - 5^(1 + XmYiiW,^"^^ = (41) 




V = -dijuda^a^. 


3.4 Gauge Threshold Corrections 

The gauge couplings of the non-anomalous components of the d = A gauge group, in 
both the observable and hidden sectors, have been computed to the string one-loop 

level in 29 33 . Including five-branes, these are given by 





(1)2 6v 

u Au Au- ^ / uA 



\ m=l / 







u Au Au- / uA 


(R ^ Af ^ 

5^a,ci(L,) A ci(L,) + -C2(TX) - J^H + A™)'W^^"^ 
r=l m=l / 


respectively. The first term on the right-hand side, that is, the volume V defined in 

(10), is the tree level result. The remaining terms are the one-loop corrections first 

presented in |29 . 


Clearly, consistency of the d = 4 effective theory requires both g^^^'^ and g^^^'^ to 
be positive. It follows that the moduli of the four-dimensional theory are constrained 
to satisfy 

uAuAcu-gllt / c^A ( - C2{V^'^) 
■J -Ix J X 


w A w A w - gll^ I u A 



1 \ 

+ -C2(TX)-5^(i-Aj2W-("M > 

. R 

( QrCl (Lr) A Ci (Lr) 

V r=l 

1 \ 

m=l ' 



As in the previous subsections, one can use (|3]), (|4]), ([s]), (14), (29), (30) and (40) to 
rewrite these expressions as 

2/4 / 

,,fca^a^a-^ - ( -(fa^ + \o? + 40^) + 2(ai + a^) - ^(1 - A^)2a^ W^^™) ) > 




d,,fca'a^a^ - ( ci,,fca* ^ a.F/,' + 2(0^ + a') - ^^(^ + A^)'a* W^"^^ \ > 






4 Specific Examples 

4.1 Constraints for a Single Line Bundle 

We now present an explicit = 1 supersymmetric hidden sector for the weakly 
coupled heterotic standard model that satisfies all vacuum constraints. To do this, 
one must specify the number of line bundles Lr and their exact embeddings into 
the hidden vector bundle Eg. Later in this section, we will consider the case of two 


independent line bundles. However, for now we restrict ourselves to the simplest 
example consisting only of a single line bundle 

\/(2) = L, L = Ox{i\f,f) (49) 

parametrized by integers 

ni „2 ^3 ^ £i + £2 _ mod 3. (50) 

5 ^ 1 

Furthermore, the explicit embedding of L into is chosen as follows. First, recall 

SU{2) xEtCEs (51) 

is a maximal subgroup. With respect to SU{2) x Ej, the 248 representation of Eg 
decomposes as 

248 (1 , 133) © (2, 56) © (3, 1) . (52) 

We embed the generator Q of the U(l) structure group of L — more specifically, the 
generator of the S{U{1) x U{1)) Abelian group of the induced rank two bundle in 
SU{2) — so that under SU{2) — > U{1) the two-dimensional SU{2) representation de- 
composes as 

2^10-1. (53) 

It follows that under f/(l) x Ej 

248 ^ (0, 133) © ((1, 56) © (-1, M)) © ((2, 1) © (0, 1) © (-2, 1)) . (54) 

The generator Q of this embedding of the line bundle can be read off from expression 
(54). Inserting this into (25), we find that 

a = 1. (55) 

Having presented the hidden sector vector bundle, one must specify the number 
of five-branes. For simplicity, we assume that there is only one five-brane in this 
example. It then follows from (31), (41), (47) and (48) that the constraints for this 


explicit example are given by 

= (|, |, -4)^ + > 0, i = 1, 2, 3 (56a) 



-(^ + A)'m) =0, 

dijka'a^a^ - - (|a^ + + 4a^) + 

+2{a^ + a^) - (l - X)\'Wi^ > 0, 

+2{a^ + a^)- {l + Xfa'W^ > 0. 




These constraints have to be solved simultaneously with the condition (35) for the 
slope-stability of the observable E'g non-Abelian vector bundle. That is, 

< < \l^a} and < 

-(ai)2-3aV + (a2)2 


5 1 2 o 1 A 2(a')' - 5(ai) 3 

< < 2a^ and ^ — < a'^ < 

2 30ai - 12a2 

6a^ — 6a2 

^^^1^2 _(al)2_3^1^2^/^2N2 

6a^ — 6a2 


We now seek simultaneous solutions to eqns. (56a) to (56e) 

4.2 An Ey X U{1) Hidden Sector 

The first observation is that the system of equations (56b) to (56e) is homogeneous 
with respect to the rescalinaM 



1 2 3 ys<'s \ . , I ,.„1 ,.„2 ,.„3 ,.2ds''s 

Uj ^ (Jj ^ (Jj 

^2/3 j ^ \^^^ , na , fia , fJ, ^2/3 
Therefore, one can absorb the coupling constants into the Kahler moduli a\ In other 

/i > 0. 


words, for a single U{1) the FI = equation (56b) fixes one Kahler modulus to a 

certain numerical value measured in multiples of (%7l)^''^- This is tantamount to 

setting ^fyi to unity, which we will do henceforth for simplicity. 
Next, let us concentrate on the particular hidden line bundle 

\/(2) = L = Ox(l,2,3), 


^Note that the coupling constants appear only in the combination ^yf , which is a positive number. 


that is, 

(£^£^£3) = (1,2,3). 

This choice cancels the anomaly with the effective five-brane curve class 

W = (16,10,0) > 0. 



Having fixed the line bundle, we proceed to solve the Fayet-Iliopoulos equation (56b]) 
for a^, giving us 

-2{a^y - (a2)2 - 2Aa^a^ - lOSA^ - 108A + 117 
6 (2ai + a2) ' 


This can then be substituted into equations ( 56c[ ), (56d) and (56e) to obtain a system 
of polynomial inequalities in a^, and A. 

Finally, one can scan through the range — ^ < A < | and plot the region of 
validity in the a^-a^ plane to find solutions. For example, with the numerical value of 
A = 0.496, which is close to the hidden wall, we do indeed find solutions which satisfy 

all of the constraints. The region where all physical constraints equations (56c) to 

(56e) are satisfied simultaneously is shown in yellow in Figure 2 For clarity, and to 

make contact with the visible sector stability region plotted in Figure 1, we present 
the same data in Figure 3 as a subset of the Kahler cone — that is, the positive octant 

a , a , a > 0. This gives a multi-dimensional visualization of the facts that: 

• The visible sector stability region (red) is a three-dimensional sub-cone of the 
Kahler cone. 

• The Fl-term stabilizes one particular combination of angular and radial Kahler 
moduli, which is why the hidden sector U{1) constrains us to a two-dimensional 
surface (blue) in the Kahler cone. 

4.3 Hidden Sector Matter Spectrum 

We can now compute the low energy EixU{l) particle spectrum from the cohomology 

of the line bundle L. From the breaking pattern in (52) and (53), one can read off 
the representation content. The spectrum is then determined by the cohomology 
groups of the corresponding tensor power of the hne bundle. The even (odd) degree 
cohomology groups count the left-chiral (right-chiral) supermultiplets. The result is 
tabulated in the middle column of Table 1[ Here, we used the fact that the trivial 
line bundle Ox on the threefold X has cohomology groups of dimension 

h^{X, Ox) = h\X, Ox) = l 


and is otherwise by the Calabi-Yau property of X. Moreover, L* is the dual bundle 
to L and is the second tensor power of L. 


0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 

Figure 2: The two-dimensional slice through the Kdhler cone where the FI- 
term of the hidden line bundle L = Ox(l, 2, 3) with five-brane posi- 
tion X = 0.496 vanishes. The slice is parametrized by (a"^,a^) with 
given by ( |61[ ). In red, the visible sector stability condition, see 
sub-figures a) and c). In blue, the region where the both the visible 
and hidden sector gauge couplings are positive, see sub-figures b) and 
c). Their intersection is drawn in yellow, see sub-figure c). 


Figure 3: The Kdhler cone, in 3 dimensions (top) and the projection in radial directions 
(bottom). The blue region /C^ is our hidden sector solution for L = Ox(l,2,3) 
at X = 0.496. It shows the Kdhler moduli uj = a^wi + a^a;2 +a^W3 simultaneously 
satisfying the FI = condition and the positivity of the visible and hidden sector 
gauge couplings. The red region fC^ is the stability region of the visible sector 

bundle from Figure 1. The intersection IC^ n JC^ is where all physical constraints 
are satisfied. 


U{1) X 


if L is ample 

(0, 133) 

h%X, Ox) 


h\X,L) + h\X,L) 



h%X, L*) + h\X, L*) 


h'^{X,L^) + h\X, L^) 



h\X, L^*) + h\X, L^*) 



h\X, Ox) 

Table 1: Matter spectrum for the — )• U{1) x Ej breaking pattern with a line 
bundle L. The multiplicity counts the number of left-chiral N = 1 
multiplets with the given gauge charge. 

We therefore need to compute the dimensions of the cohomology groups H^{X, L), 
H^{X,L*), H^{X,L^), and H\X,L^*). Because our line bundle L = 0^(1,2,3) has 
only positive entries, it is ample. An immediate consequence is that 

h\X, L) = h\X, L^) = 0, i^Q (63) 

by the Kodaira vanishing theorem. Therefore, only h^{X,L) and /i°(X, L^) can be 
non-zero. Furthermore, by Serre duality 

h\X,L) = h^-\X,L*), h\X,L^) = e-\X,L^*), i = 0,1,2,3. (64) 

It then follows that 

h\X,L*) = h\X,L^*) = 0. (65) 

The consequences of an ample line bundle L are also tabulated in the rightmost column 
of ITable II 

The dimensions of the two remaining non- vanishing cohomology groups, h^{X, L) 
and h^{X,L'^), are then easily determined from the Atiyah-Singer index theorem. It 
states that, for any vector bundle \^ on a Calabi-Yau threefold X, 


xiV) = y2hl)'h'{X, V) = / ch(l^) A td(TX). (66) 

In our present case of an ample line bundle ©^(^i, ^2, ^3), using (63) and (64), this 
simplifies to 

h\X,Ox{h,i2j3)) = ^ (^Ci(\/(2)) A C2(TX) + ch3(\/(^)) 

l"! 1 . 1 ' ... ^^^^ 



Hence, we find 

/i°(X,L) = 8 for L = Ox(l,2,3) (68) 

and, similarly, that 

/i°(X,L2) = 58 for = Ox(2,4,6). (69) 
In summary, the complete U{1) x Ej hidden sector matter spectrum of our model is 

1 X (0,133) + 8 X (1,56) + 58 x (2,1) + 1 x (0,1). (70) 
4.4 Constraints for Two Line Bundles 

In the previous section, we discussed the case of the hidden sector being a single 
line bundle and presented a detailed solution. One can easily move on to bundles of 
higher rank and show that indeed there is a plenitude of solutions. This is clearly 
desirable for model building since each independent U{1) imposes one Fayet-Iliopoulos 
vanishing equation and, therefore, stabilizes one Kahler modulus. In this section, we 
will consider the next simplest hidden sector consisting of the direct sum of two line 

V^''^ = L,®L2, L^ = Ox{llllll). L2 = Ox{llAA) (71) 


Z,^ + = mod 3, r = l,2. (72) 

Furthermore, Li © L2 will be given the simplest simplest embedding into E^, namely 

U{1) X U{1) X 50(12) c SU{2) X SU{2) x 50(12) c E^. (73) 
The branching rules easily follow from those of the SU{2) x 50(12) maximal sub- 

group of Ey in conjunction with (52). In particular, the adjoint representation of Eg 

decomposes under SU{2) x SU{2) x 50(12) as 

248 (1, 3, 1) © (3, 1, 1) © (2, 1, 32) © (1, 2, 32) 
© (2, 2, 12) © (2, 2, 12) © (1, 1, 66). 

One now has to choose the embedding of the generator Qr of each of the two 
U{1) structure groups into the corresponding 5f/(2). We again pick the simplest 
embedding, identifying the structure group of Li with the center of the first 5f/(2), 

as in (53), and similarly for L2. Consequently, under U{1) x U{1) x 50(12) we have 

the branching rule 

248 (0, 2, 1) © (2, 0, 1) © (0, -2, 1) © (-2, 0, 1) © 2 x (0, 0, 1) 

© (1,0,32) © (-1,0,32) © (0,1,32) © (0,-1,32) © (1,1,12) (75) 
© (1, -1, 12) © (-1, 1, 12) © (-1, -1, 12) © (0,0,66). 


As before, one can read off from (25) the group-theoretic embedding coefficients ai 
and a2- They are given by 

ai = 02 = 1. (76) 
Again assuming that we have only a single fivebrane, the constraints for the case of 

the direct sum of two line bundles — analogous to equations (56a) to (56e) — are 


IV,= (|,|,-4)^ + >0, ^ = 1,2,3 


-il + xYilWi) =0, r = l,2 

+2(ai + a2) - (1 - A)Vvri) > 0, 

-{l + Xya'wA >0, 


, 2 





< < a/ and < 


6a^ — 6a2 



a < a < 2a and 

2(a2)2 -5(ai) 
30ai - 12a2 

< a^' < 




1^2 I ^^2X2 

3aV^ + (a^ 

6a^ — Qa"^ 


We point out that only the first two sets of equations differ from the single line bundle 
case in the previous section. We must now find simultaneous solutions to equations 

(77a) to (77e) 

4.5 An 50(12) X U{1) X U{1) Hidden Sector 

We will now focus on the specific direct sum of two line bundles given by 

= L,®L2 = Ox{2, 1, 1) © OxiO, 3, 2). 

In terms of our basis choice for the first Chern class, see (20), this is 

(£i,£?,£?) = (2,1,1), {elelil) = (0,3,2). 




For simplicity, we assume that there is only a single five-brane. In order to cancel the 
heterotic anomaly for this choice of bundle and embedding, it must then wrap the 
effective curve class 

= (20,9,0) > 0. (80) 

As in the previous section, we use the homogeneous rescaling (57) to set 



We will also use the same five-brane position for convenience; namely A = 0.496. The 
only remaining parameters are now the Kahler moduli a^, a? and a^, subject to two 
Fl-term constraints and a number of inequalities. We first consider the two Fl-term 

constraints (77b), which are two quadratic equations that stabilize two of the three 

Kahler moduli. The standard strategy to parametrize the solution set is to pick one 
variable and then compute a lexicographic Grobner basis with the chosen variable 
last. If we pick as the parameter, then the result is that a? is a real solution of the 
quartic equation 

fa^)^ + 6.7058a^ 


+ 4.2352(a^)2(a2)2-0.3955(a^)^-1.5808aV-1.1801 =0 (81a) 


and, finally. 

1.2651(0^)^ + 8.4839a^(a2)^ + b.?,bd,2{a^fa^ - 0.83377a^ - 4a^ 


It remains to impose all inequalities; namely, the positivity of all Kahler moduli. 

the gauge couplings equations (77c) and (77d), as well as the visible sector stability 

conditions (77e). The numerical result is that the free Kahler modulus has to lie in 
the interval 

< < 0.0701743. (82) 

It then follows that the unique positive root a? of (81a) and a} determined by (81b) 
satisfy all physical constraints. For example, if we pick = 0.06 then the remaining 
Kahler moduli and gauge couplings are 

/I 2 S 

(a , a , a 

^^(1)2' ^(2)2 

) =(0.65,0.02). 


The entire one-dimensional solution set is plotted in Figure 4 

Finally, as in the one line bundle case, the particle spectrum of this low energy 
5*0(10) X U{1) X U{1) hidden sector can be computed from the cohomology of the 
various tensor products of Li and L2. Since this is similar to the discussion in Sub- 
section 4.3, but rendered more complicated by the presence of two hne bundles, we 
will not discuss the results here. 


Figure 4' The Kdhler cone, in 3 dimensions (top) and the projection in radial directions 
(bottom). The 1-dimensional blue region /C"*" is our hidden sector solution for 
Li®L2 = Ox(2, 1, 1) e Ox(0,3,2) at \ = 0.496. It shows the Kdhler moduli 
uj = a'^uji + a^ijJ2 + a^i^3 simultaneously satisfying the two independent FI = 
conditions for the two U{1) factors, as well as the positivity of the isible and 
hidden sector gauge couplings. The red region /C* is the stability region of the 
visible sector bundle from Figure 1 . The intersection /C*n/C"'" is where all physical 
constraints are satisfied. 



We would like to thank Lara Anderson, Ralph Blumenhagen, James Gray, and Andre 
Lukas for useful discussions. Volker Braun is supported by the Dublin Institute for 
Advanced Studies and expresses his thanks to the University of Pennsylvania for its 
hospitality while some this work was being carried out. Burt Ovrut is supported in 
part by the DOE under contract No. DE-AC02-76-ER-03071 and the NSF under 
grant No. 1001296. Yang-Hui He would like to thank the Science and Technology 
Facilities Council, UK, for an Advanced Fellowship and grant ST/J00037X/1, the 
Chinese Ministry of Education, for a Chang-Jiang Chair Professorship at NanKai 
University, the U.S. National Science Foundation for grant CCF-1048082, as well as 
City University, London and Merton College, Oxford, for their enduring support. 

Appendix A Line Bundles and Eg 
A.l Induced Bundles 

The usual approach of constructing Eg bundles for heterotic strings is to first construct 
a G-bundle for a smaller group G and then use a map (group homomorphism) ip : 
G ^ Es to build an induced Es bundle. Really, this is just the composition of the 
G-bundle presentation [X, BG] with Bip : BG — )■ BEg. Explicitly, we can think 
of the G-bundle as a collection of transition functions ipa/3 : Uap — )■ G on overlaps 
Uai3 = Ua^Up. The transition functions of the induced E^ bundle are then simply 
given by the composition (pap = ipo yj^^. A popular choice for G is SU (n), equivalent 
to a rank-ra vector bundle of vanishing first Chern class. This is usually combined with 
a group homomorphism SU{n) C SU{9) — )■ SU{9)/'L^ C E^ that factors through the 
SU (9)/Z3 subgroup corresponding to removal of a node in E^ affine Dynkin diagram. 

However, there is no need to pick a special unitary group and, for the purposes 
of this section, we are considering G = U{1). As a first example, the easiest group 
homomorphism to E^ can be obtained from embedding U{1) as a maximal torus in 
SU{2) and then embedding it further in S'f/(9) — )■ E^. Up to a choice of coordinates, 
this is the homomorphism 

U(l)^SU(2), e'*^(-P('^' (84) 

or 1 I— 7- ( i*! ) in the Lie algebra. This construction cannot yield the most general E^ 
bundle, but rather only one whose structure group can be reduced to SU{9)/Z3 C £^8- 
This is of course desirable for phenomenological applications, so that not all of the Eg 
gauge group is broken. In this example, the commutant of SU{2) in E{8) is E-jj'Li and 

^Because it will be important in this appendix, we will break with the physics tradition and be 

careful about discrete quotients of groups. A good reference for the relevant group theory is 54 . 


the embedded U{1) C SU{2) commutes with it self. Hence, the overall commutant 
and unbroken gauge group of [/(I) C Es is {Ef x U{l))/Z2. 

A. 2 Consistency Conditions 

It is occasionally claimed that a U {n) bundle, for example, a line bundle, has to satisfy 
extra divisibility conditions in order to define an induced £"8 bundle. However, this is 
not true and any bundle together with a U{n) — t- Eg homomorphism is admissible. In 
particular, the first Chern class of the line bundle need not be evenj^ An bundle 
is automatically spin since E^ is simply connected. While it is true that a line bundle 
with an odd first Chern class is not spin, any induced Eg bundle is well-defined and 
admits adjoint spinorsj^ Since the U{n) bundle is purely auxiliary in this construction, 
there is no need for it to be spin. This is related to the fact that the contribution 
to the heterotic anomaly from a line bundle is always an even multiple of its second 

Chern character, as we will discuss in ISubsection A. 3 

There is a related, but different, context where an even first Chern class does play 

a role 55 , 56 . In an effort to clear up any confusion, let us review it in the remainder 
of this subsection. First, recall the usual conformal field theory construction of the 
Eg X £"8 heterotic string. There are 36 real left-moving fermions, 16 for each Eg. The 
GSO projection acts as a minus sign, so the 16 fermions transform under Spin{16) /Z2. 
Only this group, and not the whole Spin{16), is a subgroup of Eg. Since it is still 
difficult to construct the most general Spin{16)/Z2 bundle, it is tempting to combine 
the 16 real spinors into 8 complex ones and construct a U (8) gauge bundle for them. 
The trouble is that this constructs a U{S) C 50(16) gauge bundle which need not 
be a Spin{l&) /'L2 bundle. A sufficient condition to avoid this problem is if the f/(8) 
bundle is spin, that is, has even first Chern class. In that case it lifts to a Spin{lQ) 
bundle, which we can divide to obtain a Spin{lQ)/'Z2 bundle. The key difference is 
that this does not use a f/(8) — )■ Spin{16)/7j2 C Eg homomorphism to construct an 
induced Eg bundle, but rather relies on a lifting that might not exist. 

A. 3 Chern Classes and the Anomaly 

The heterotic anomaly cancellation condition for two £'8-bundles V^^\ V^"^^ is 

- C2{V^''^) - C2{V^^^) + C2{TX) = W e H\X, Z), (85) 

where W is the the class of the five-brane(s). Here, C2 of a Eg bundle means its 
degree-4 characteristic class. Completely analogous to the usual Chern classes, it 

^That is, divisible by 2. 

^We remark that this is different in the 5pm(32)/Z2 heterotic string if one uses a hne bundle 
and C/(l) — ?> 50(32) homomorphism. In this case, the line bundle does have to satisfy additional 
constraints for the induced bundle to lift to a 5'pm(32)/Z2 bundle. 


is unambiguously defined in integral cohomology as the pull-back of the generator 
C2 G H^{BEs,Z) ^ Z by the map [X,BEs] defining the bundle. Fortunately, we 
never have to actually evaluate the homotopy-theoretic definition. For an Eg bundle 
whose structure group reduces to the S'[/(9)/Z3 subgroup, which is the case we are 
interested in for phenomenolgical reasons, the degree-4 characteristic class of the Eg 
bundle coincides with the usual second Chern class of the SU{9) bundle. Hence, the 
contribution to the anomaly of such an induced bundle Vp defined by a U{n) bundle 
V and homeomorphism p : U{n) — )■ SU{'9) can be computed in terms of the Chern 
classes of V and the group theory of p. 

Let us consider the case where V^*^^-* = Lp is induced from a line bundle L and 
p : U{1) — )■ SU{9). On general grounds, the anomaly cancellation condition then 
must be of the form 

ap ciiiy - C2(\/(2)) + ^^^jx) = W e H\X, Z) (86) 

since the only available characteristic class is Ci (L) with some group-theoretic numeri- 
cal coefficient ap. In de Rham cohomology the visible sector contribution is represented 

a^Ci(L)2 = 2ap ch2(L) = -^tr.FAF (87) 


It is suggestive, but wrong, that the coefficient Op should be half-integral such that 
the contribution of the line bundle to the anomaly is always an integer multiple of 
its second Chern character. In fact, the coefficient Op is always integer which is twice 
what one would naively expect]^ This is also required for the anomaly contribution 
apCi(L)^ to define an integral cohomology class. As the simplest example, let us return 

to the p : f/(l) ^ SU{2) C SU{9) embedding from (|84|). The induced SU{9) bundle 

Lp = L®L-^® I7, (88) 
so its second Chern class is —C2{Lp) = cf(L), that is, Op = 1. 

A. 4 Example 

As a more complicated example, we now consider a combination of line bundle and 
non-Abelian bundle. Let us start with a SU{3) bundle V and a line bundle L. We 
can use this data with different group homomorphisms to construct the same SU{9) 
(and, therefore. Eg) bundle in two different ways: 

(A) Use the group homomorphism 

Pa : SU{3) x f/(l) ^ SU{A) C SU{9), 

(^73x3,e'*) H> I 



^For discrete Wilson lines, this observation was already made in the footnote on Page 88 of [st] . 


(B) The direct sum {V ^L)(BL ^ is a rank-4 bundle with vanishing first Chern class. 
We combine it with the trivial embedding pB : S'f/(4) C SU{9). 

Both constructions yield the same induced SU (9)-bundle, namely 

E = {V^L)®L-^®l5 = {V® L)p^ = {{V ® L) © L-^)^^. (90) 

Its contribution to the heterotic anomaly is —C2{E) = —C2(y) + 3ci(L)^. In other 
words, the group-theoretic coefficient Op = 3. It is again an integral class, as it must 


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